Hulu.com is one of the best places on the web where you can watch movies and popular TV shows for free. All you need is a web browser with the Flash Player and you are good to go.
Hulu at this is time is only available in US but there’s an a new browser add-on called MediaNet that makes it dead-simple for anyone to access Hulu from anywhere in the world. Just install the extension and there’s absolutely no configuration required.
MediaNet is available for Firefox and Google Chrome. I was looking at the source code of the Chrome add-on and turns out that it merely changes the proxy server settings of your browser when you try accessing a Hulu video. Here’s the relevant snippet:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { var usa = ['hulu.com', 'netflix.com', 'pandora.com']; var direct = ['assets.hulu.com', 'll.a.hulu.com', 'ads.hulu.com', 'stats.pandora.com', 'blog.netflix.com', 'nordicsblog.netflix.com', 'blog.pandora.com']; for (var i = 0; i < direct.length; i++) { if (host.indexOf(direct[i]) > -1) { return 'DIRECT'; } } if (host.match(/audio.*\.pandora\.com/) || host.match(/const.*\.pandora\.com/) || host.match(/mediaserver.*\.pandora\.com/) || host.match(/cont.*\.pandora\.com/)) { return 'DIRECT'; } for (var i = 0; i < usa.length; i++) { if (host.indexOf(usa[i]) > -1) { return 'PROXY'; } } return 'DIRECT'; }
In addition to Hulu, the same add-on may also be used for accessing music site Pandora and movie-streaming site Netflix from outside the US. [via Reddit]
Also see: How to Access Pandora Anywhere
This story, An Easy Way to Access Hulu from Outside the US, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on 09/11/2012 under Hulu, Proxy, Internet.
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