13 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

Easily Add a Logo to your YouTube Videos

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Would you like to add some branding to your YouTube videos? Maybe an overlay logo or some sort of a watermark image that is permanently displayed in one of the corners of the video (similar to TV programming). →

You can use any video editing software to add logos or watermarks to your videos before uploading them to YouTube but how do you put them in your existing videos that are already on the web?

Well, YouTube has recently added a new feature called InVideo Programming that will help you add any custom image to all your Youtube videos with a few clicks without having to edit the original video.

YouTube Videos with a Logo

Put a logo inside your YouTube Videos

The image can be your brand’s logo (make sure it’s a transparent png) or use one of these YouTube buttons to promote your main YouTube channel inside all your videos.

You can choose to display the logo at the start of the video, somewhere in the middle or even for the entire duration of the video. Also, the logo can be placed in either corners of the YouTube player.

That said, YouTube internally uses annotations to display the images over the video and thus, if you a YouTube viewer has turned off annotations, your logo won’t be visible.

Thanks Ashish Mohta for the tip.

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Digital Inspiration @labnolThis story, Easily Add a Logo to your YouTube Videos, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on 07/10/2012 under YouTube, Internet.

How to Install Extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store

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Google Chrome Extensions

A warning message in Google Chrome v22.0

Google wants your Chrome browser safe and therefore discourages users from installing any web apps and extensions that aren’t available in the official Chrome Web Store. →

If someone tries to add an unapproved extension (CRX file) or a user-script (*.user.js) in Chrome, the browser will throw a yellow warning message as shown in the above screenshot.

There’s however an easy workaround to this problem.

First download the CRX file of any Chrome extension /web-app to your computer. Then click the Settings icon in Chrome (previously a Wrench icon) and go to Tools -> Extensions. Drag and drop the CRX file on this page and Chrome will gladly install the add-on.

Here’s a video demo illustrating all the steps in detail. The same technique can be used to install the unofficial Greasemonkey userscripts in Chrome.


Also see: View Source of a Chrome Extension

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Digital Inspiration @labnolThis story, How to Install Extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on 08/10/2012 under Google Chrome, Internet.

What Happens if you Forget the Yahoo Password

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How do you login to any web service if do not remember the password? The answer is easy. →

You will click the “forgot password” link on the sign-in page, the website will ask you to provide an alternate email address associated with your account and a password reset link will be sent to that address. Simple.

However, if you are using Yahoo Mail, Flickr or any of the other Yahoo services, recovering your account’s password involves a few more steps.

Forgot your Yahoo Password

Yahoo will verify your identity before sending the password reset link.

You will be required to provide your date of birth, your country of residence and your postal code and Yahoo will only send the password reset link to your alternate email address if the entered information matches with the data stored in your Yahoo profile.

I created a second email account at Yahoo sometime back for testing but did not use the accurate birth date in my profile. I am therefore having trouble getting into that Yahoo account as I no longer remember the birth date I entered at the time of creating the account and without it, Yahoo won’t send the password reset link to my alternate address.

Do yourself a favor. Go to edit.yahoo.com and make a note of the postal code, date of birth and country that is associated with your Yahoo profile – you may need this information in case you ever forget your Yahoo account’s password like I did.

Bonus Tip: If you are a Gmail user, keep a record of your account creation date as that information will be required in case you ever lose access to your Google Account.

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Digital Inspiration @labnolThis story, What Happens if you Forget the Yahoo Password, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on 08/10/2012 under Flickr, Password, Yahoo, Internet.

Backup your Files to Amazon Glacier with the help of Dropbox

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Amazon Glacier, if you are new, is an online backup service from Amazon where you can store files by paying as little as 1¢ per GB of storage space per month. Glacier is a recommended option for saving copies of files that are important  but not accessed very frequently – like the photo archives on your disk. →

Amazon doesn’t provide a file uploading tool for Glacier but there are several third-party Glacier clients that you may use to easily upload files and folders from the local disk to the Glacier cloud with a easy drag-n-drop interface.

There’s another service in town called IceBox that eliminates the need for installing a separate Glacier client. The service links Amazon Glacier with your Dropbox account and any files that you add to a particular Dropbox folder are automatically uploaded to your Glacier vault.

Upload to Amazon Glacier

The Dropbox files are queued for uploading to Amazon Glacier

This is a one-way operation so once the files have been uploaded from Dropbox to Glacier, you can safely delete the copies inside Dropbox without affecting the files that are already inside Glacier. You can also browse the file list on the IceBox website to verify that all your Dropbox files have been successfully added to Glacier.

To get started, go to the AWS dashboard to request your Access Keys for the Amazon Glacier service. Next follow the wizard on the Icebox website to link your Amazon and Dropbox accounts. This will create a new folder in your Dropbox folder and any files that you add to this folder go straight into your Glacier vault.

The service initially had a major security vulnerability – anyone could access your Amazon Keys by simply changing the URL – but the issue has been patched now. Alternatively, you may create a guest user in AWS for IceBox and grant access to only the Vault Archive and none of the other assets in your Amazon cloud.

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Digital Inspiration @labnolThis story, Backup your Files to Amazon Glacier with the help of Dropbox, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on 08/10/2012 under Amazon S3, Dropbox, Internet.

What’s the Business Model of Tech Companies?

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Internet Companies Make Money

How to Internet companies make money when the product is free?

Have you ever wondered how for-profit technology companies make money when they aren’t charging users a penny for the basic service? Are they following the freemium business model or is advertising the main source of revenue? Is the company profitable? →

You can instantly find these answers on Quora or if the company is public,  you can dig through their SEC filings or save some time and just bookmark this online chart.

This handy resource, prepared by SEER Interactive, shares the broader business model of the most well-known Internet companies from Dropbox to EverNote to Tumblr and you also get to know if the company is profitable or not.

LinkedIn makes money from advertising, from paid subscribers and they also sell professional data of job seekers to recruiters.

Also see: How WordPress makes money?

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Digital Inspiration @labnolThis story, What’s the Business Model of Tech Companies?, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on 08/10/2012 under Infographics, Internet.

12 Ekim 2012 Cuma

Why do some Email Messages have the Letter ‘J’ in them?

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J Letter in Email

Why do emails have ‘J’ in them?

You may have received email messages in the past that have the capital letter ‘J’ in them (see above screenshot). The letter mostly appears at the end of a paragraph but sometimes you may also also find this ‘J’ in the middle of a sentence. →

What is the email sender trying to convey by adding the single letter ‘J’ to the message? Is it an abbreviation or an Internet slang that you not aware of?

I looked at the HTML source of one such email message and instantly got the answer:

<p class=3DMsoNormal>
 <span style='font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif";>Thanks so much</span>
 <span style='font-size:11.0pt;font-family:Wingdings;'>J</span>

It turns out that the email was composed and send from Microsoft Outlook. In Outlook, if you add a smiley figure – something like :) or :-) – to your message, the email program automatically converts it into a smiley icon using the Wingdings font.

The Wingding fonts is installed on all Windows PCs but isn’t available on mobile devices. Hence, if you read that Outlook message on an Android phone or your iPad, the smiley icon is displayed as the capital letter J, which happens to be its Unicode equivalent (0x4A).

Also see: Outlook ruins Birthday Cake

Windows Character Map

The character code of J is the same as Wingdings’ smiley icon

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Digital Inspiration @labnolThis story, Why do some Email Messages have the Letter ‘J’ in them?, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on 08/10/2012 under Microsoft Outlook, Internet.

Check the Current Location of Indian Trains on Google Map

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Indian Trains Location

The current location of Indian Railways Trains on Google Maps

The Indian Railways has just launched RailRadar, a useful website that shows the current geographical location of any train on a Google Map. →

To get started, you can zoom-in to any location /city on the map to see all the trains which are arriving at the station or have just departed. Or you can use expand the left sidebar to search trains by name, by train number or by the station name.

If you click a particular train, the map will also show the exact route of the train including all the stops and the current location of the train. The train markers highlighted in blue indicate trains that are running on time while the red markers indicate trains that are delayed or behind schedule.

Train Location

The press release says that the train data is refresh every 5 minutes and the displayed location and running status of any trains displayed on the Google will always be delayed by at least 5 minutes.

The site is extremely useful and it will work on your mobile phone as well.

Related: Delhi Metro Rail is on Google Maps

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Digital Inspiration @labnolThis story, Check the Current Location of Indian Trains on Google Map, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on 10/10/2012 under Google Maps, Indian Railways, Tools.

How to Add QR Codes to your Printed Webpages

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When you print any web page, your web browser will automatically add the URL of the site in either the footer or the header area of all the printed pages. This is useful because you will always remember the source website where you printed those pages from. →

The problem is that web page URLs can be long and complex and people are likely to make errors typing them into the browser.

An alternative would be that you create a short URL (using bit.ly or goo.gl) and append it all your printed pages. The other more convenient option is that you add a QR code to the printed copy that will link the printed page to the source web page with a quick scan.

QR Code on Printed Webpage

A QR Code in the print copy of a web page

Add a QR Code to Printed Web Pages using CSS

You will be surprised to know how easy it is to add a QR code to any web page but before I share the implementation detail, let’s see a live example.

Open any article page (for example, this one) and press Ctrl+P (or Cmd+P on a Mac) to open the Print Preview dialog. Scroll to the last page and you will find a QR code that, upon scanning, would lead you to the source page. (If the QR Code missing, just open the Print Preview dialog again.)

If you are to implement something similar in your site, just add the following snippet to your website template.

<style type="text/css">
@media print {

*Replace URL with the actual URL of your web page

We are basically adding a QR Code image after the <body> tag and since the CSS media type is set to “print,” the QR Code will only appear in the printed version of the page. The QR Code is generated dynamically using the Google Charts API and will vary based on the URL.

WordPress – To add QR Code support in WordPress print stylesheets, open the template file of your WordPress (like header.php or even index.php) and copy-paste the following code anywhere inside the <head> tag:

<?php if (is_single()) : ?>
 <style type="text/css">
    @media print {
      body:after { content:url ( 
         http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=200x200&choe=UTF-8&chld=H&chl=<?= the_permalink(); ?>)
<?php endif; ?>

Blogger – The equivalent code for classic Blogger templates would be something like this. If you are using the new XML based Blogger templates, you probably need to use data:blog.canonicalUrl (for the permalink) with the condition set as <b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == “item”‘> since we are only displaying QR codes on individual post pages and not the archives.

<style type="text/css">
    @media print {
      body:after { content:url ( 

Also see: Track your Printed Web Pages with Google Analytics

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Digital Inspiration @labnolThis story, How to Add QR Codes to your Printed Webpages, was originally published at Digital Inspiration on 10/10/2012 under Css, QR Codes, WordPress, Internet.